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What to expect from Melbourne in May

Lucy Pascual
January 28, 2024
Melbourne cityscape

Melbourne in May has temperatures ranging from 8°c to 17°c, which makes it an Autumn wonderland. With cool, calm days and fewer tourists around, there’s no better time to explore the city’s historical landmarks and hear the fascinating stories that have made this vibrant area what it is.

Step Back in Time

Melbourne’s history is completely visible in its beautiful architecture, quaint streets and colourful laneways. A guided historical tour is the absolute best way to explore these features and May’s milder weather means you’ll enjoy a comfortable and leisurely experience.

Why not begin your journey near the Old Melbourne Gaol, on a Melbourne True Crime tour? This former prison is a truly fascinating part of Melbourne’s darker past and learning about the lives of the prisoners is both chilling and captivating. The tour also visits other historical crime locations and it’s sure to give you a thrill.

Another must-do tour takes you to the amazing Sovereign Hill. This open-air museum in Ballarat will transport you back to the 1850s gold rush era with its recreation of a bustling gold mining town. With costumed characters, horse-drawn carriages and authentic shops, you’ll get fascinating insights into the gold rush that helped Victoria develop.

Melbourne’s history is also hidden in the laneways and – of course – the bars across the city. Join a History and Hidden Bars tour that takes you through these interesting locales to discover lesser-known historical spots. Learn about Melbourne’s drinking history and have a tipple yourself.

Regardless of which historic tour you choose, your friendly guide will share stories of the gold rush era, the evolution of Melbourne’s culture and the significance of landmarks like Federation Square and Flinders Street Station.

History Books Galore

May in Melbourne is a prime time to learn about the city’s past, but you can also keep learning once you’re back at home. The Melbourne Writers Festival can help you do that, with skilled writers coming from far and wide to share their knowledge with you. There’s much more to do this month, so check out our Things To Do in Melbourne page for more.

Lucy Pascual
Lucy is a true-blue Aussie living in Far North Queensland. When she's not writing, she spends her time travelling to Australia's top destinations, aiming to see as much of the country as possible so she can share its best locations with her readers.

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