Tradotto da: Elisa Paganoni 1. Le spiagge non vi impressioneranno più via GIPHY L’Australia è stracolma di meravigliose spiagge, tra le quali Bondi, Whitehaven, e … rullo di tamburi per favore… la detentrice del record mondiale come “sabbia più bianca” Hyms Beach. Nessun’altra spiaggia potrà MAI tenere il confronto. 2. Diventerete fan delle grandi rocce […]
Fancy a holiday? It’s that time of year to start planning where you’re heading for your summer escape. Sure, an overseas ski trip would be nice but who wants to be shivering indoors when there are a million Aussie beaches just waiting to be discovered? Here are 5 of the most beautiful beaches around the […]
1. Beaches will no longer impress you via GIPHY Australia is brimming with beautiful beaches including Bondi, Whitehaven and drum roll please... world recordbreaker for the 'whitest sand' Hyams Beach. No other beach will EVER compare. 2. You'll become a fan of big rocks via GIPHY One thing that Australia does well is big rocks. […]