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What to expect from Uluru in March

Uluru at night

While Uluru in March is still considered a summer month with temperatures ranging from 19°c to 34°c, the weather is slightly cooler than the middle-summer months, making it a little more comfortable.

With crowd numbers still lower than peak tourist times later in the year, March is a great time to avoid the crowds, check out the cultural tours and discover the history of Uluru and the Anangu culture.


The Fascinating Anangu Culture

Anangu-led cultural tour Uluru

You can’t visit Uluru and not learn about its cultural heritage. The local Anangu – the traditional custodians of Uluru – have a truly interesting history and their connection to Uluru is eternal. To learn more about these resilient traditional owners, you can participate in a number of guided cultural tours that will give you insights into their ancient traditions, history and deep connections to the land.

During these tours, your knowledgeable guides (who are often Anangu themselves) will share the stories passed down through generations, explaining the cultural significance of Uluru and its surrounding landscapes. You might also hear the personal spiritual anecdotes of the guides and their families.

These tours generally include visits to sacred sites, with explanations of how everything links to Tjukurpa, the ancestral period when the world was being formed that shapes Anangu's identity and way of life. You’ll also learn about Uluru's native flora and fauna and maybe even try some traditional bush tucker foods.

Tjukurpa is much more than stories — it’s the foundation of Anangu culture and explains their very existence, providing them with answers to important questions and influencing their rules, lifestyle, culture and community. Cultural tours usually start with an introduction to Tjukurpa to help you understand the deep level of respect and responsibility Anangu have for Uluru.


Extra Culture

Uluru Art Workshop

Another great way to avoid the heat of March in Uluru is to participate in some traditional arts and crafts activities. Cave art tours showcase beautifully preserved ancient art, and if that inspires you, you can even create your own Aboriginal art at a dot painting workshop.

Local artists will teach you the techniques of dot painting and help you create an attractive piece of personalised art. You’ll have your very own unique Uluru souvenir to take back home! Visit our Things to do in Uluru page if you’d like more activity ideas.

Travelling at a different time? Find out what to expect in Uluru in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

Lucy Pascual
Lucy is a true-blue Aussie living in Far North Queensland. When she's not writing, she spends her time travelling to Australia's top destinations, aiming to see as much of the country as possible so she can share its best locations with her readers.

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