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What to expect from Darwin in April

Lucy Pascual
February 4, 2024

Darwin in April is such a fantastic time to explore the city’s vibrant atmosphere, as well as other nearby locations. With temperatures ranging from 24°c to 33°c and the end of the wet season, the weather is perfect for enjoying outdoor public spaces and the best way to get to know the neighbourhood is by visiting local markets.

Multiple Market Choices

There are so many markets around Darwin, so you’ll never have trouble finding great food, fresh produce, curious nicknacks and fun entertainment. The most iconic choice is the Mindil Beach Sunset Market, which opens from the last Thursday of April onwards.

Running on Thursday and Sunday evenings, it’s the best place to enjoy stunning tropical sunsets over the Beagle Gulf and revel in the good vibes. The market usually has over 200 stalls offering sublime international cuisine, local arts and crafts, and live entertainment. From delicious laksa and fresh seafood to unique Aboriginal artwork and handmade jewellery, there's something for everyone.

For another laid-back market experience, head to the Nightcliff Markets on Sunday mornings. Located in a leafy Darwin suburb, this market is very popular with locals with its relaxed vibe, live music, fresh juices and a variety of international food stalls. The arts and crafts stalls always feature locally made products, so it’s perfect for picking up a traditional souvenir. The nearby Nightcliff Foreshore is a beautiful backdrop for a leisurely stroll or picnic after your market visit.

The Rapid Creek Markets is Darwin’s oldest market and is open every Saturday and Sunday. With a plethora of delicious, fresh produce, it’s a goldmine if you’re after local and Asian vegetables, plants, herbs and spices. This market is a great place to buy the fresh seafood and other unique ingredients that make Darwin’s food scene so interesting.

A Cultural Treat

April in Darwin also means you’ll get to see some amazing cultural events and performances at Darwin’s markets. They often host everything from traditional Aboriginal dances to contemporary music performances, so the markets aren’t just for shopping and eating, but also experiencing the amazing cultural diversity of the region. Check out our Things To Do in Darwin page for more.

Travelling at another time? Check out what to expect from Darwin in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

Lucy Pascual
Lucy is a true-blue Aussie living in Far North Queensland. When she's not writing, she spends her time travelling to Australia's top destinations, aiming to see as much of the country as possible so she can share its best locations with her readers.

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