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What to expect from Darwin in August

Lucy Pascual
February 8, 2024

Darwin in August is definitely the best time for local walking tours. With temperatures ranging from 20°c to 32°c, crystal-clear skies and low humidity, August is considered one of the most comfortable months to explore Darwin’s natural beauty, fascinating history and vibrant culture.

A Walking Wonderland

Darwin’s nice, cool mornings are perfect for leisurely morning strolls through the city, while the warm afternoons are ideal for exploring the many parks and waterfront areas. August in Darwin means less rain, so walking paths are dry and easily accessible, plus you can fully enjoy your tour without having to worry about inclement weather.

With a truly interesting history and multicultural heritage, it’s best to explore the city and its surrounds through guided walking tours. These tours usually start in the city centre and take you to significant historical sites such as the Botanic Gardens, the city’s best-kept secret sites and remnants of Darwin’s participation in WWII.

The Darwin Heritage Walk is a great choice, giving you a look into the city’s development over the years, as well as the resilience of the locals. You’ll visit landmarks such as the Old Darwin Town Hall Ruins, Government House and the Northern Territory Parliament House, as well as WWII and Cyclone Tracy sites of interest.

If you’ve spotted the city’s amazing murals, you’ll love the Wander Darwin's Walls tour, which is a 2.5-hour educational exploration of Darwin’s street art. Then you can bring the spirit of the outback to life with the Outback Gourmet Food & Aboriginal Art Tour, where you can sample native and local produce at multiple venues.

If you want to venture further afield, you can join a multi-day journey to places like Kakadu, Arnhem Land and Litchfield, where you’ll visit lush monsoon forests, crystal-clear rivers and awe-inspiring gorges. Bring your camera for some amazing shots of the abundant wildlife and spellbinding scenery.

Festive Darwin

August in Darwin is definitely the month for fun and exciting events. The city hosts the Darwin Cup Carnival, the Darwin Festival and the Aboriginal Art Fair this month, so there’s plenty to do. If you want more excitement though, our Things To Do in Darwin page has many more activities.

Travelling at another time? Check out what to expect from Darwin in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

Lucy Pascual
Lucy is a true-blue Aussie living in Far North Queensland. When she's not writing, she spends her time travelling to Australia's top destinations, aiming to see as much of the country as possible so she can share its best locations with her readers.

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