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What to expect from K'gari (Fraser Island) in July

Lucy Pascual
January 10, 2024

K'gari in July is a truly spectacular location for whale and dolphin watching. As part of the warm QLD winter, July offers some seriously pleasant weather, with average temperatures ranging from around 15°c to 22°c and minimal rainfall. It’s an awesome time for outdoor activities and marine wildlife spotting.

Spotting Marine Wildlife

July is the peak of the whale migration season around K'gari. Humpback whales journey from Antarctica to the warmer waters of Queensland to mate and give birth. Hervey Bay – which is adjacent to K'gari – is known as one of the best places in the world to witness these magnificent creatures, but K’gari itself also gets quality viewings.

The calm and clear conditions of July provide perfect visibility, so you can observe the whales’ spectacular displays of breaching, tail slapping and fin waves. Joining a whale watching tour is definitely the best way to experience this awe-inspiring spectacle.

Tours usually depart from Hervey Bay and there’s everything from half-day excursions to full-day adventures. On these tours, experienced guides give you important information about whale behaviour and the value of their conservation.

K'gari's waters are also home to several dolphin species and very often during a whale watching tour you’ll also get the opportunity to spot dolphins in their natural habitat. The species that are spotted the most include the playful bottlenose dolphins and the beautiful, agile spinner dolphins.

If you’d prefer to stay on the island, 75 Mile Beach has excellent vantage points for spotting marine life. If you have binoculars, you can often see whales and dolphins from the shore, especially during the calm mornings. Hiring a boat or joining a guided marine tour is the way to go though, as you’ll get a much closer interaction and a better chance of observing these wonderful creatures up close.

Land-Based Fauna

July's calm weather means many mammals, reptiles and birds are also very active, and you can participate in educational discussions and guided tours that focus on the island’s many species and their cultural significance to the Butchulla people, the traditional custodians of the land. If you want to learn about more experiences on this beautiful island, check out our Things to Do on K'Gari (Fraser Island) page.

Travelling during the year? Find out what to expect at K'gari in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Lucy Pascual
Lucy is a true-blue Aussie living in Far North Queensland. When she's not writing, she spends her time travelling to Australia's top destinations, aiming to see as much of the country as possible so she can share its best locations with her readers.

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