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10 Iconic Australian Foods You Need To Try

Marina Nazario
September 11, 2019

If you're travelling around Australia, you need to know what to eat. Do locals really eat kangaroo? Is Fosters really a thing? What's goon and why do people associate it with their grandparents?

You know — the essential questions every backpacker has.

So we've rounded up the most iconic Australian foods you need to try. Stretchy pants on? Great, let's get into it.

1. Tim Tams

If you've never had a Tim Tam, you've never lived. The chocolate biscuit rivals the classic Oreo in shape, taste, and size. You can find them in over 10 flavours, but we'll let you in on a little secret: double-coated is the best. Pick up a few boxes from a grocery store and stuff them in your backpack during your travels around Australia.

2. Fairy Floss

Have you ever been to a carnival or festival and devoured a big thing of cotton candy? Oh yeah, that's the good stuff. Australians call cotton candy fairy floss. It's just as sugary and just as satisfying. You'll find this at places like Luna Park in Sydney or Melbourne or local food festivals.

3. Chicken Parmy

You'll find a classic chicken parmy at any Aussie pub. For some reason, breaded chicken, layered in ham, dressed in tomato sauce, and sprinkled with mozerella cheese became an iconic food of Australia. And hey, we're not mad about it! Be sure to have an appetite when you devour this monster meal.

4. Golden Gaytime

When it's a hot day in Australia, you'll want to walk into the nearest convenience store, reach your hand into the freezer and pick up an orange wrapped Golden Gaytime. It's toffee and vanilla ice cream dipped in chocolate and slathered with honeycomb breadcrumbs. As they say, it’s hard to have a Gaytime on your own. *shrug* Best enjoyed on the beach or near the ocean, preferably on a Whitsunday Islands tour.

5. Snags

If someone walked up to you right now and said, "Oi, mate! Grab some snags from Wollys this arvo!" Would you know what the heck they're talking about?? Props if you do. Snags are sausages. Plain and simple. You can grab a classic "snag" or sausage sizzle at Bunnings Wearhouse on weekend mornings. Yes, that's a hardware store. Yes, it's a thing.

6. Cherry Ripe

While you're in a 7-Eleven filling up on petrol before a road trip to the Great Ocean Road, pop inside and buy a few Cherry Ripes. Fun fact: it's Australia’s oldest chocolate bar! It's a coconut and cherry filling dipped in dark chocolate and it's totally yum.

7. Lamingtons

If you can't tell by now, Aussies love their sweets and lamingtons are no exception. It's a square sponge cake coated in chocolate sauce and shaved coconut. Try a slice the next time you order coffee at one of Melbourne's many (many) cafes.

8. Meat Pies

You're either going to love or love a meat pie. Catch that? Ha. A meat pie is exactly how it sounds and you can find them at any bakery. A typical filling is beef mince, sauce, and onion, but you'll find a range of flavours from steak and cheese to pork and pepper. FYI: devouring a meat pie is a common hangover cure.

9. Vegemite

You probably already know that vegemite is an ICONIC Australian food, but do you know what it is? Neither do we. Kidding! It's a thick spread made from yeast extract and spice additives. Sounds good, right? Aussies say it's an acquired taste. Others never quite aquire said taste. You'll probably get a chance to try it at a hostel's free breakfast. Put a fingernail size amount on a knife and spread it over buttered toast. That's the real Australian experience.

10. Fairy Bread

Three words: bread, butter, sprinkles. If you enjoy those three ingredients separately, you'll love them together. It's vegemite on toast's princess cousin. Fairy bread is an iconic Australian food that you'll find at kids birthday parties or bakeries. Pick some up and to enjoy on your next tour in Australia.

Marina Nazario

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