Marvellous Melbourne was voted the world's most liveable city not just once - but SIX times you guys! That's pretty good going. But for me what makes a place liveable is the stuff you can do without blowing your hard earned cash. Here are our top 10 FREE things to do while you're in Melbourne. […]
Travel gadgets are so much fun... did someone say "Ostrich Pillow"?! Here at Backpacker Deals, we've decided to make your life easier by listing 8 2017's best travel gadgets, guaranteed to make your travels run that little bit smoother. #1 A quick and easy wash Washing your dirty clothes becomes piece of cake with the […]
Yay! You're going on an adventure! Time pack your bags and get the hell outta here... wait before you leave, you do actually need to ‘pack’ your bags. NOOOOO! What should I bring? What is the weather going to be like? It's a stressful situation even for the most organised of us. But don't worry […]
We go to the gym, we focus on eating right and looking after our skin but how often do you stop and take care of the part of our body that allows us to be ourselves?! For me, it took years even to consider that I might have anxiety, it felt like admitting it was […]
It’s the 4th of July, so it’s time to celebrate! Here are the top 5 ways we’ll be celebrating with our American friends today. 1. Hitting up the beach via GIPHY 2. FIREWORKS! via GIPHY 3. Barbeques with WAY too many hot dogs via GIPHY 4. Pool parties with all your friends via GIPHY 5. […]
You're a rare breed backpacker. You experience a whole heap of things that many people will never come across in their LIVES... goon hangovers, questionable street food and the god damn usefulness of a travel towel. But we're with you, we know how you feel, we've experienced them too and put together a useless BRILLIANT […]