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11 Signs you need to go travelling

Catherine Atton
September 18, 2017

1. Getting a seat on your morning commute is the highlight of your day.

morning commute

2. You don't know where your passport is.


3. The last cultural experience you had was an Indian takeaway.

eating takeaway

4. Your tan is about as real as Kris Jenner's face.

kris jenner

5. You celebrate hump days.


6. Sunday nights have become traumatising experience.

sunday nights sleeping beauty

7. You get OBSESSED with friends' Instagram accounts while they're on holiday.

stalking instagram

8. You feel a bit exotic when you eat an egg sandwich for lunch.


9. You keep making rubbish excuses why you can't go.


10. Your wavy beach hair comes from a bottle.

beach hair

11. You clicked on this blog.

travel jump friends

Just go already!

Catherine Atton

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