New South Wales
Northern Territory
South Australia
Western Australia
North Island
South Island

In many travel destinations, good, cheap and accessible food is easy to find. But in other spots, that’s not the case. 

Perhaps you’re travelling in a remote location without many shops or restaurants. Maybe you’re stuck with an hours-long layover in a barren airport terminal. Or maybe you just can’t be bothered trekking all around an unfamiliar location to find a meal that suits your fancy.

If any of these are the case, you might appreciate the following food hacks. These five methods will help tide you over between meals and make sure your dietary needs are covered despite the circumstances.

Pack Dry Foods

Dry foods are my saviour when travelling. I’ve been known to pack all sorts of dried staples in my carry-on, from peanut butter to hummus to protein powder to soup mix. Simply add water and you’re good to go! Dried fruit is a great snack option that won’t go off as easily as fresh fruit would. Dried (powdered) milk is a life-saver when you want a cup of coffee or tea but can’t access fresh milk or don’t want to buy a whole jug. You can even find powdered soy or coconut milk if you’re dairy-free! And freeze-dried coffee is a given for those early mornings and late nights.

Embrace Monomeals

Monomeals are basically when you eat an abundance of one food as a meal. Sounds boring, but it’s actually a low-maintenance and surprisingly satisfying meal option when you don’t feel like cooking or your options are limited. When travelling, I really enjoy monomeals of fresh fruit (a bag of grapes, whole watermelon or bunch of bananas are great options). A can or two of beans or even a meal of several steamed or microwaved potatoes are also cheap, filling and nutritionally viable options. 

Take Advantage of Airplane or Hotel “Freebies”

You know all those little packages snacks they give you on the plane? Stock up because those babies come in handy. Most airlines will give you more at no additional cost, so save these extras for when you’re out and about and in dire need of sustenance. If your hostel or hotel offers free breakfast or in-room treats, this is another time to practice your hoarding skills. Look out for energy bars, single-serve spreads, oatmeal packets and other non-perishable goods that are sure to come in handy later on in your trip.

Have any hacks to add to the list? Let us know your tips in the comments below!

Quincy Malesovas

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