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5 Hidden Gems in New Zealand | 2023 

Chyna Hayden
July 3, 2023

Welcome to the land of the long white cloud! New Zealand is renowned for its stunning landscapes, but beyond the popular tourist spots, there lies a treasure trove of hidden gems waiting to be discovered. Join us as we embark on a journey to explore the roada less travelled and uncover some of New Zealand's best-kept secrets. Get ready for adventure, beauty, and unforgettable experiences!

Motueka Saltwater Baths, Nelson Tasman: 

Take a step into the past at the Motueka Saltwater Baths, the birthplace of the world's first infinity pool. Experience the enchantment of walking on water during high tide, and enjoy this unique coastal oasis all to yourself. Dive in and indulge in the magic of this hidden gem!

Oparara Arches, West Coast: 

Embark on a journey through the ancient rainforest and discover the awe-inspiring Oparara Arches in Kahurangi National Park. Walk along the 2km track and witness nature's architectural masterpiece. These massive limestone arches will leave you breathless and in awe of their natural beauty.

Mount Stokes, Marlborough Sounds: 

Ascend to the summit of Mount Stokes, the highest point in the Marlborough Sounds. Immerse yourself in the captivating beauty of this sub-alpine environment. Keep an eye out for the unique Powelliphanta, a carnivorous snail found only in New Zealand. The panoramic views from the top will take your breath away.

Photo: @niwa_science

Castlepoint, Wairarapa: 

Prepare to be enchanted by the Castlepoint Lighthouse, a true gem of the Wairarapa region. Just a short drive from Martinborough, this stunning coastal spot is home to New Zealand fur seals, dolphins, and sometimes even whales. Let the beauty of Castlepoint capture your heart.

Govett-Brewster Art Gallery/Len Lye Centre, Taranaki: 

Step into the world of Len Lye, a visionary filmmaker, sculptor, painter, and poet, at the Len Lye Centre in New Plymouth. Experience the cutting-edge world of experimental film and kinetic art, and delve into the wonders of Modernism. Get set to immerse yourself in creativity and be inspired.

WATCH: Check out Season 3 of Roads Less Travelled and discover more of NZ!

Chyna Hayden

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