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5 packing tips every traveller should know

Ruby Syme
November 29, 2018

So, your flights are booked, hotel organised and you’ve got a super cute travel diary ready to go. But wait! You’ve still gotta pack! Ugh. There’s nothing fun about folding, refolding and trying on clothes, then sitting on your suitcase to zip it up to realise you’ve forgot your toiletries!

But stressful and tedious as it is, packing is one of the most important parts of your trip! If you pack too much you’ll end up dragging heavy bags behind you all holiday but if you pack too little and forget an essential item, you’ll end up wasting valuable exploring time trying to find items it overseas! It’s a fine line, isn’t it fellow travellers? But rest assured, we’ve got you covered. Here are 5 awesome packing tips to make it that much easier.


1. Go easy on the toiletries

This is often what takes up the most space! How can toothpaste, shampoo and moisturiser turn out to be so bulky? To minimise on toiletries, think about what’s actually essential and what you’ll be able to get at your destination. If there’s a special skin cream or shampoo you need to use, take that, but think about buying toothpaste, sunscreen and deodorant when you arrive. Chemists are everywhere!

2. Make a list

Hopefully it's not that long.

I know what you’re thinking, why waste time thinking about what to pack when you can just do it as you go? But remember that time you forgot your toothbrush, or that pair of earrings you desperately wanted to wear? Jotting down a list of little things (and big) that you need to pack can be a good reminder for when it comes down to the actual job. There are often things that pop into your head a weird times, like at work or in the shower, and writing these down ensures they’ll make their way into your suitcase.

3. Roll roll roll

You got it panda.

It’s incredible how much more you can fit in your suitcase when you roll your clothes. Not only that, it’s also a good way to avoid creases. It also makes items easier to find as they’re not all stacked on top of each other. You can easily see the item you want to grab before rifling through too many of your clothes.


4. Double up

More than just a scarf.

Clothes that serve two purposes are your friends. If you can use the same item instead of packing two different things, you’ll save on space. A scarf that can double as pillow or a blanket is handy, as is a wrap skirt you can also use as a beach towel in a pinch. Leggings are also a must as they’re flexible for plane trips, can be worn for walking/exercise or under dresses and fold up small.

5. Choose clothes carefully

So much style.

Try and pack things that are versatile – basic colours that go with everything and classic cuts are your friends. There’s no point taking up space with clothes your not certain you’ll wear either, so make sure everything you take is comfortable and can be washed easily. Clothes that need no ironing and that don't require any special care are a good idea too.


holiday packing tips
No more of this!


So, there're our packing tips! Do you have any you swear by? Let us know!

Ruby Syme

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