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7 reasons why you need to travel in your 20s!

Catherine Atton
April 12, 2018

Are you a 20 something year old with no clue as to what you're doing with your life? Are all of your friends having babies and getting big ol' mortgages? Does the thought of starting your dead-end career for the next 20 years make you feel physically sick? Well you've come to the right place. Here are 7 reasons why you need to travel in your 20s. No that you need one.

1. There's nothing tying you down

travel in your 20s
Don't let anyone take your...

Most likely you won't have had a family yet or settled into your long term career. You're currently free to do whatever you want and have the capabilities to do so. You don't have to be somewhere for someone else, so make this time of your life all about YOU. During your 20s, you have minimal responsibilities or commitments, and are old enough to appreciate the world, so go for it!

2. You'll learn things about yourself

travel in your 20s
Think like the Rock. Be like the Rock.

Still unsure about what your doing with your life? Clueless about what career path to take? Going travelling pushes you out of your comfort zone, you'll learn what sets your heart racing or intimidates you. You'll achieve things you never knew you could and conquer fears you didn't know you had. You'll learn what you like, gain new interests and realise what you value, and what you don’t. All of which will help you decide what you want out of life.

3. You don't have a MASSIVE mortgage

travel in your 20s
Making it raaaaiiiiiiin.

Often in your 20s you're not financially constrained by a huge mortgage or child expenses. You've got your own income (albeit not a huge one) and you don't need to spend loads while you travel. At this age, you'll have a better idea of budgeting and won't blow everything on booze like your 18 year old self. Plus, you won't mind skimping on some things in order to splurge on others... instant noodles for a week are worth it for a skydive!

4. Better balance between partying and culture

travel in your 20s
You party like snoop now.

Now that you're no longer 18, you're more likely to explore the destination you've travelled all that way to. Boozy nights won't be every night of the week, you'll actually want to get out of bed, see daylight and tick some cool sights off your list. Don't get us wrong, you still know how to party, you've just accepted the fact that hangovers get worse with age. Besides, no one fancies spending 24 hours on a bus vomming into a plastic bag. Been there, done that.

5. There's no time like the present

travel in your 20s
See ya.

'I'll go when I've retired', 'I'll take a career break', 'I can travel with kids'. When it comes to travelling, the phrase "there's no time like the present" couldn't be more fitting. You don't know what's going to happen in the future, you can't be certain you will ever have this opportunity again. Take advantage of the time you have now.

6. Money doesn't buy happiness

travel in your 20s
Yuck poor people.

Travelling in your 20s teaches you that material possessions are not a measurement of success. Just because someone has their own flat, a new car and big salary doesn't mean they're happy. You'll realise that money and material objects aren't as important as you once thought they were. Making memories, seeing the world and meeting new people are things that will stay with you for a lifetime. Ignore societies pressures of settling down, getting a job and buying a house. Do what makes YOU happy.

7. Your friends can come too!

travelin your 20s
I'll be there for you.

Travelling alone is great but sharing experiences with friends is just as good if not, better! Your 20 something friends are likely to be in the same position as you and will be up for an adventure. You'll discover who your best friends are, become even closer and can spend years annoying everyone else with "remember that time in Thailand we...".

Packed already? Good. For more travel inspiration check out our blog '11 signs you need to go travelling'.

Catherine Atton

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