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8 rules for camping Down Under

Lieze Walcarius
May 30, 2018

A camping trip is the coolest way to travel Down Under! It's cosy, heaps of fun and takes you to stunning places off the beaten track. Here are 8 valuable rules to follow that will help you make the most of your camping trip Down Under.

#1 Sharing is caring

Camping is fun, that's a no brainer! But if you can do it with a small group of like-minded people, even better! So find yourself a nice group of travel mates and hit the road. You can save $$$ and split the cost for food and fuel. But more importantly, you'll share an unforgettable adventure and feel like a small family for the time you're travelling together.

Now I can hear some of you saying: "But my friends aren't really into camping?" No worries! Remember we live in the 21st century, technology can help you find the ideal travel mates. Simply follow some backpacker groups on Facebook and post on there. Or keep an eye open and check if there are any posts from people with a spare seat in their camper van or car. Go meet up for a drink and if you hit it off... you're all set to embark on your camping adventure.

Sharing freshly (self-)caught mussels in Tassie - picture (and mussel catching) by Warren Don Paul

#2 Cook your own yummy meals

It's tempting to opt for easy fast food on your camping trip, but making your own food is not only healthier, it's also cheaper and tastes better. And what's cosier than sitting around a fire together while preparing a delicious meal? If you don't have a camper van with stove, then buy yourself a portable gas stove. You can find one for only $20 at Kmart!

A camping trip is also a great opportunity to exchange some new easy, but yummy recipes. On my last camping trip I learnt how to make oat pancakes (kudos to Sanne and Warren!). They're ridiculously simple to make. Take it from someone with zero cooking skills 😉


  • oats (100g per person)
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 banana
  • honey
  • peanut butter
  • pimp your recipe with whatever you like: raisins, grated apple...

Just mix and mash all the oats with the eggs, the banana, raisins and apple (and whatever you like) in a bowl. Then pour the mixture into a buttered pan. Spread it open with a fork so it becomes a flat pancake (or something that resembles one). Bake both sides and when they're finished spread peanut butter and honey on them. Yum! This breakfast is going to keep you going for hours!


#3 Save your receipts

If you buy your food at Coles or Woolies, then make sure you save your receipts. At the bottom you'll often get a discount for your next tanking round. Woohoo! Saving even more $$$! Or you might also get a discount for a 6-pack or a bottle of wine. And let's be honest, who doesn't like to enjoy some good old goon or a nice beer around the campfire in the evening.

#4 Google Maps will show you the way

If you don't have a GPS, don't worry! Google Maps will do the trick. Even if reception is letting you down, because you're in the middle of nowhere, download the area you're travelling in and learn how to use Google Maps offline for iPhone or Android. It's easy!

Oh, and if you want to go easy on your phone battery during the trip, put your phone on flight mode. Google Maps will still help you out and your battery won't die as quickly.


#5 Visitor information centres are your friend

Okay, Google Maps is a pretty clever thing, but... it won't give you the valuable insider information like that from a visitor information centres. So when you've arrived at your destination, check out the visitor information centre and ask the very friendly team members for advice on where to go. They're the people who know where to spot platypuses, how long a hike will take and heaps of other information that they'll be happy to share with you FOR FREE!

Happy faces after platypus spotting in Latrobe, Tasmania with local expert guide Ron

#6 DIY latte

I hear you fellow latte lovers! It's super tempting to stop at a lovely café and buy a latte, but if you do that every day, it can add up to a huge amount of money spent on lattes by the end of the week. And let's face it, you could use that money for a nice platypus spotting tour or maybe even for a relaxing visit to a hot spring! (read: a chance to wash yourself properly)

But no worries! You can still get your daily caffeine shot. All you need is... a French press. I bought mine at Salvos and it has been a real game changer on my camping trips. How so? YouTube tutorials (like this one) have taught me how to froth my own milk using a French press! So all you need is 1 French press and you're all set to froth your own milk! Time to show off your latte making skills and gain your camping mates' respect with caffeine! It works 🙂


My very first DIY latte

#7 Freebies and hygiene for the win

Oh yes! I can tell you're a fan of freebies, just like me. Well, I have some good news for you. The WikiCamps app can help you find free or cheap campsites. It's amazing. It even tells you what kind of facilities you can expect there. The app costs less than $8 and you can get a free trial period! What more can you wish for?

There are also heaps of free possibilities when it comes to hygiene. How about a refreshing dip in the river? A great way to wake yourself up! You might also get lucky and score a shower at a service station. Or make the most out of a beach trip and clean up under the beach showers.

If none of the above cleaning methods are possible on your trip. Then a good old bucket will surely do the trick!


#8 Do good and good will come to you

This last thumb rule is a golden rule. Be nice to people, smile and have a good time. Because after all, you're never fully dressed without a smile 😉

So there you have it, 8 rules to stick by to help you have a caffeine-fuelled, cheap, tasty and completely brilliant camping trip Down Under! What are you waiting for?



Lieze Walcarius

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