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5 AMAZING Australian Beaches

Ruby Syme
November 29, 2017

Fancy a holiday? It’s that time of year to start planning where you’re heading for your summer escape. Sure, an overseas ski trip would be nice but who wants to be shivering indoors when there are a million Aussie beaches just waiting to be discovered? Here are 5 of the most beautiful beaches around the country, to tick off your holiday bucket list!

1) 90 Mile Beach, East Gippsland, Victoria

This beach lives up to it’s name. One of the longest uninterrupted beaches in the world, you can stand on the shore and watch the sand fade off into the horizon before you. 90 Mile Beach is one of the most unspoiled beaches in the world and an Aussie beach that hasn’t been overtaken by crowds. Because it’s so big, there’s a good chance you’ll be the only ones around when you visit, and if not, just pop up the road for a few minutes and find your own private stretch! Visit 90 Mile Beach for endless golden sand, constantly lapping ways and an escape into your own beach side paradise…

2) Wineglass Bay, Tasmania

This beach has been visited by royalty, so you know it’s gonna be good. A secluded paradise with pristine white sand, turquoise water and granite peak surrounds, it looks almost too good to be true. It’s not the easiest beach to reach, you’ll need to travel 2 hours from Launceston or 3 from Hobart, but it’s well worth it once you arrive. Cool off from the car journey in sparkling water or because it’s Tassie, avoid the chill and kick back in the sun on a sandy stretch. There are some great walks around here and plenty of wildlife spotting opportunities if you keep your eyes out!

3) Bondi Beach, Sydney

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Look, you can’t leave off this one. No beach list is complete without the famous Bondi! It may be busy at times (maybe busy is an understatement…) but it’s popular for a reason. There’s bright blue water and pristine sand and there’s also a whole lot to do around the beach itself that makes it even better! There are great cafes nearby and interesting shops to wander when you want to escape the sun. Bondi is also the home to some awesome water sports like surfing, water skiing, stand up paddle boarding and kayaking.

4) Turquoise Bay, WA

Turquoise Bay in Exmouth by @zandrones - Submit your photos via #perthisok

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With crystal clear water and shimmering sand, Turquoise Bay doesn’t disappoint. Here you’ll be swimming within metres of the Ningaloo Reef, in water awash with coral, sea life and an array of colourful fish. It’s a great spot for snorkelling, and you HAVE to do unique drift snorkel. Simply don your snorkel, swim out a few metres at the south end of the beach, and let the current carry you up toward the north side. No paddling required!

5) Ellis Beach, North Queensland

North Queensland is a beach lover’s oasis, so how do you know which beach to visit? The answer is simple – as many as you can! But, if you do have limited time, or you just want to see one standout spot, Ellis Beach is a good place to start. It’s got more of a relaxed vibe than some of the beaches in this area and with its towering palm trees and bright white sand, it’s the perfect place to escape the Cairns rush. Swing in a hammock, picnic on the shore or take a dip, enjoy the rainforest backdrop and view of Double Island from the water.

So there you have it, next time you’re off on a beach adventure, you'll know where to go. Hurry, the waves are calling! For more exciting activities and water fun, take a look here. Thinking about camping around Australia? Check out our blog on 8 rules for camping Down Under!

Ruby Syme

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