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Aussie Brewery Tours

Helen Wright
June 5, 2015

Just imagine it: A sunny day in Melbourne, and you’re venturing on a unique tour to various breweries in the beautiful Yarra Valley to sample many exquisite beers and cider, made with loving care and attention which ensure your tastebuds tingle with each ice cold sip. Perfect? Maybe, just maybe.

I had always liked beer; it is the perfect way to relax in the evening sunshine with friends, and with the plethora of beers to choose from all over the world, it is always possible to find one that suits your palate. However, local beers and ciders always have something special about them; an edge that international ones do not possess. The unique ingredients and brewing method all go into making each individual one special in its own way.

From the moment we were collected from a convenient pick-up point in Melbourne CBD, the theme of the day was very clear: the love of beer! Scott, our tour guide and very bubbly Aussie, was extremely welcoming and friendly from the start and got to know us all from the word ‘go’. His enthusiasm could not be faulted - he spoke with delight about his favourite type of beverage during the drive to the Yarra Valley, highlighting even further how the creation and consumption of beer is an art, it is a past time to savour. The brewing process and the special ingredients make each beer individual; furthermore, beer is enjoyed all over the world in various different cultures, it is a common love shared throughout the globe. It has many impressive and powerful properties, not least that it can create new social circles and bring humans closer together as they enjoy a cold frothy together as the sunsets.


The first brewery we visited, White Rabbit, was in a peaceful location and had an open-plan and bright layout. Immediately, it felt very welcoming. I was very familiar with the White Rabbit brand and was looking forward to trying the different beers and cider they brew with pride. Pale Ale, White Ale, Dark Ale, or Pipsqueak Apple Cider if you prefer something a little sweeter, or even Triple if you fancy something with a bit of a kick; they offer something for everyone. The staff served us our samples and showed us the ingredients that go into each individual brew. We were then able to enjoy the relaxing surroundings with a complimentary drink of our choice.

The day immediately had a relaxed pace about it. We were free to enjoy our drinks and buy others if we wished. It felt like we were almost in a perfect version of a chilled Sunday afternoon drink with our new friends, who we immediately bonded with. As Scott had emphasised, beer helps to break down the social boundaries and gets people talking and sharing stories (not quite whole life stories at this stage, that would come later!).

DSC00012Our next stop was also based in a picturesque and peaceful location with stunning views of Australian countryside. St Ronan's specialises in cider and fruit wine, which provides something for those who are perhaps a little fonder of these options over beer. Blueberry wine was on the menu, alongside pear and apple cider. It was great to try something a bit different once again, which was still created and brewed with a similar care and passion as White Rabbit, and the other breweries we visited.

One thing that really did strike me about the locations was the distinct and strong personality of each, and Buckley’s Brewery certainly was no exception. Almost like something out of an old-fashioned film, it really gave the creations we tried here an extra edge. Completely different to the previous two locations, yet equally as special in its own right. We got to try the various beers on offer alongside ‘Kombucha’ (a green tea based drink with various health properties), a little different to beer but still a wonderful concoction to excite the taste buds.

We then stopped for lunch at Hargreaves Hill, which I am sure everyone enjoyed after fully embracing the opportunity to indulge in so much beer and cider tasting before noon! An impressive array of choice was on offer including a steak sandwich, pasta, burger and vegetarian options. It was delicious. And, of course, another tasting paddle was included and also a complimentary drink from another impressive selection of beverages.

DSC00036Two more stops still awaited us on this packed day full of different and individual locations. The anticipation of where we were going to next truly was one of the highlights. The next stop certainly didn't disappoint either; Napoleone Cider and Brewery House. As soon as we drove in, the various apple trees were visible from the road, emphasising how the fruit is cared for and grown so close to where it is brewed. I believe this really does give each beer and cider an extra edge over other imported varieties. The brewery had a little busier feel to the others we had been to; perhaps people had started venturing out for their afternoon beverages at their local, and it was great to join them! More beer and cider varieties passed our lips here and, again, there was something to suit any taste.

On the drive back to Melbourne, I felt a sense of happiness that I had such a good day, which was also paired with a little sadness because I knew it was almost over. I then promised myself I would enjoy this last beverage at Coldstream Brewery just as much as I had the first. The last stop was a great opportunity to reflect on the day with the new friends we had met. By now, I’m sure we all had a brand new appreciation of beer and cider, and an even bigger realisation of the truly wonderful creation it is.DSC00040

It isn’t just a drink that comes out of a barrel or is sold in shops in cans or bottles. It is a substance which has the ability to create new friendships, and maybe even more. The tasting and enjoyment of consuming a beverage is an experience in itself, but it also kickstarts experiences with new friends and old. Each beer or cider is a wonderful result of being brewed with pride and passion. I felt so pleased that I had the opportunity to visit each location and fully immerse myself in the differing cultures and personalities boasted by each. It was a very special experience that I will always remember, and I will definitely think twice before choosing my next beer. Where does it come from? What are the ingredients? What is the brewer’s philosophy? These answers can feed through into every tongue-tingling sip and make each pint of beer even more special than it was before.

Whether you are a backpacker, a city worker, a student or retired, the love of beer is so widely shared, and it is a love that can be shared on this fantastic tour. It is well run with an effective yet flexible itinerary which allows the time to be used to the maximum. The whole day has a relaxed feel; we were free to enjoy each location and their offerings at our own pace, made even more enjoyable by the enthusiasm and welcoming nature of Scott. It really is an incredibly unique experience I would recommend to anyone.

Book now on!



Helen Wright

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