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Dreaming of an epic Australian summer road trip? Unsure where to start?

Check out Backpacker Deals!

Campervan hire might be the perfect choice for your adventure! In this guide, we’ll answer all your burning questions about campervan hire through Backpacker Deals and help you plan the road trip of a lifetime.

How Much To Hire A Campervan?

One of the first questions on every traveller’s mind is, “How much does it cost to hire a campervan?” Well, the price can vary depending on several factors, including the type of campervan, the duration of your rental, and the time of year. On average, campervan hire in Australia and New Zealand can range from $50 to $200 per day. It’s essential to do some research and compare prices to find the best deal that suits your budget.

Why do people opt to book with us? Because at Backpacker Deals, we offer a best price guarantee on campervan, motorhome & 4WD camper hire in Australia! Plus, you can get a $50 experience pass when you book through us!*.

Where Can You Park A Campervan Overnight In Australia?

Australia offers plenty of options for overnight campervan parking. You can choose from holiday parks, designated campgrounds, and even free camping spots in some areas. Keep in mind that local regulations may vary, so it’s essential to research your specific route and plan your overnight stays accordingly.

What Is The Difference Between a Campervan and a Motorhome?

Campervans and motorhomes both offer the freedom of the open road, but they come in different shapes and sizes. Campervans are typically smaller and more compact, making them easier to maneuver and park. Motorhomes are larger and often have more amenities, like a separate bedroom and a full kitchen.

What License Do You Need To Drive A Campervan?

In Australia, you generally need a standard driver’s license to operate a campervan. However, it’s crucial to check the specific requirements, especially if you plan to drive a larger vehicle.

What Can I Get With My $50 Experience Pass?

Make your journey even MORE unforgettable with our exclusive $50 Experience Pass to use on tours and experiences across Australia.*

️ Dive into the turquoise waters of the Great Barrier Reef.

Cruise along the Sydney Harbour and catch glimpses of the Opera House and Harbour Bridge.

Indulge in the world-renowned wineries, sampling exquisite vintages that capture the essence of the regions.

Immerse yourself in the rich Aboriginal cultures, as guided experiences unveil ancient stories and traditions.

Embark on a kayaking adventure through pristine fjords, serene lakes, and winding rivers.

How To Plan A Campervan Trip?

Planning your campervan adventure involves choosing your route, booking campgrounds or holiday parks in advance, and creating a flexible itinerary that allows for unexpected discoveries along the way. Don’t forget to research attractions and activities at your destinations. Need some advice? Contact one of our travel experts (including Kylie C, our very one Campervan Queen).

Now that you have answers to some of the most pressing questions about campervan hire in Australia and New Zealand, you’re ready to hit the road. Embrace the freedom of the open road, explore breathtaking landscapes, and create unforgettable memories on your campervan adventure. Happy travels!

Chyna Hayden

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