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Planning a solo adventure in 2019?

There are many destinations that are great to visit with others, whether it be family, friends or a partner. But that doesn’t mean that a solo trip needs to be an inferior experience.

Solo travel is great for all sorts of reasons, and it’s even better when you’re visiting places that cater to lone rangers. While any country can be discovered independently,  there are some that are particularly ideal for this sort of travel. Here are our top picks:

  1. New Zealand
There's nothing more relaxing than a solo trip to a geothermal lake.

Stereotypically, New Zealanders are incredibly friendly and welcoming. Because the country is essentially one giant small town, most people are up for a chat which is great for solo travellers in want of social interaction. 

2. Japan

Find your inner peace with a trip to a Japanese temple or shrine.

Japan is safe and there’s an endless supply of things to do there that suit all personalities. And because the cities are so busy, they are easier to navigate as a solo traveller than they would be with others in tow.

3. Iceland

As proven by this photo, Iceland is nearly perfect.

In the past few years, Iceland has become an extremely popular travel destination. Not only is it beautiful, but it’s ranked as the safest country in the world, making it a haven for solo travellers.

4. Costa Rica

Hike a volcano or sit back on the beach - It's all up to you!

Costa Rica is affordable, meaning you don't have to share the costs of hotel rooms and taxis to snag a bargain. Once you get out of the city, you will also find that people are really nice and accommodating. It’s not uncommon for moped drivers to offer you a ride if you’re walking on the side of the road!

5. Netherlands

A walk along the waterfront in Amsterdam is a great solo activity.

Whether you’re biking around the city, exploring the local cafes, visiting museums or walking around some urban parks, there’s lots to explore on one’s own in the Netherlands. 

6. Spain

If you're tired of the hedonistic party life, reset with a church visit.

Spain is a really social place where friends are made easily amongst drinks and dinner and dancing. There’s never a shortage of things to do in this diverse country, known for its parties and beaches and vibrant cities.

7. Vietnam

Escape the city to truly find solitude in Vietnam.

Vietnam is paradise. It’s cheap as long as you avoid the tourist traps, meaning solo travellers can live large for less. If you want to find some solitude in nature, this country has got a lot to offer.

8. USA

America is considered one of the friendliest places on earth.

True to popular opinion, Americans tend to be very talkative, even with strangers. They are also quite eager to share their culture and sometimes even their couches or cars with visitors travelling through.

9. Germany

You'll never get bored with views like this.

Germany is a rich and historic country with plenty to do for solo adventurers. Seasonal festivals and a strong drinking culture make it easy for even the loneliest of travellers to connect with the community.

10. Australia

Want to visit NT for free? Follow this link!

Independent travellers could spend a lot of time in Australia given how large it is and how many different attractions there are to see. Australia brings tons of tourists every year, making it easy to buddy up with other visitors.

Do you have any solo travel suggestions to add to the list? Let us know!

Quincy Malesovas

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