New South Wales
Northern Territory
South Australia
Western Australia
North Island
South Island

Australia may look small on the map, but it's actually a very large and diverse country. With six states, two territories and five major cities (plus several smaller ones), deciding where to go and what to do while you're in Australia can be tricky.

That's why we're here to break it down for you and help you determine which cities you should prioritise on your stay. Each one brings different benefits to the table and appeals to different types of travellers. If you don't have time to hit all of Australia's major cities (and let's face it, who does?) then let this handy guide direct you.


New South Wales atttraction
Sydney's famous Opera House

Sydney is Australia's largest and most recognisable cities. It's beautiful, contemporary and clean. It's not a cheap place to stay nor an easy place to get around, but it makes up for this by providing bang for your buck - And of course, the view of the harbour makes any cost seem worth it. Expect lots of inner-city green space, great shopping and plenty of fine arts attractions to keep you entertained.


inner city CBD Melbourne
Melbourne's Chinatown precinct

As Australia's second-largest city, Melbourne is often compared to Sydney. It's not as immediately striking as its counterpart, but the longer you're there the more you fall in love with it. If you're into alternative culture, Melbourne's the place for you. This city is industrial, has a strong culture of DIY/underground art, and is known for it's club culture and live music scene. If you're a foodie, you will also find that Melbourne has lots to offer, as its food options are very diverse and the standards of dining are high to meet local demand.


Queensland Australia city
Brisbane's most iconic structure, Story Bridge

Brisbane may seem like a sleepy city, but it's actually one of the most well connected in the world. This up-and-comer has become a global economic hub since an initiative to make it a New World City back in 2009. While a bit sterile, Brisbane has a good punk and indie rock scene to balance out the capitalist bent. It's also home to near-perfect weather and a beautiful river that flows through the city.

Gold Coast

Queensland Australia city view
An overhead view of the Gold Coast

The Gold Coast is a flashy beach town known for its nightlife as well as its surf and sport culture. It's a dream for adventure lovers, as the area offers all sorts of water activities and some of Australia's best theme parks. It also makes a great base for exploring the lush rainforests that lie just beyond the outskirts of the city.


hills South Australia travel
The rolling hills of Adelaide

Adelaide is Australia's only state that wasn't settled by convicts and is considered to be a bit more old-school and conservative than other cities. But don't let that deter you - Adelaide and surrounds is considered one of the best wine regions in the country. It's also the backdrop for Adelaide Fringe Festival, the largest arts festival in the Southern Hemisphere and second-largest in the world!


boathouse Western Australia
Perth's trademark blue boat shed

Sunny Perth is the laid-back alternative to the Gold Coast, offering surfing beaches that are just as good but much less glitzy. The city itself is small but bustling and surrounded by an abundance of nature and wildlife. It's one of Australia's most remote cities but offers plenty to do, making it a great escape for anyone who wants to get away for a bit.


Northern Territory AU coastline
The sunset over Darwin

Darwin may be small but it's one of Australia's most culturally-rich areas. It's a major destination for learning about the country's indigenous people, food, art and tradition. It also has a strong artsy, bohemian influence thanks to the influx of backpackers who have left their mark on the city. Darwin's relentlessly warm climate is perfect for summer-chasers and its colourful sunrises and sunsets cannot be beaten.


Tasmania beach dock
The beautiful bay off Hobart's coast

Hobart is quaint and picturesque. This historic city is a great place to learn about early European settlement in Australia. It's also home to one of the country's most famous (and most quirky) art museums, MONA (Museum of Old and New Art). Tasmania does get quite cold being the southernmost point, so plan your visit accordingly.

So what do you think? Which city most takes your fancy? Let us know where you're headed first in the comments!


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